Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Neutrino Puzzle

1.Stubborn people, conceited people, and people who think they know it all are people who would insist their math was correct.
2. Not putting full effort into the lab that could only detect 12 particles per week.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Cosmic radiation creates unfriendly skies

1. What can happen to you when your exposed to radiation on an airplane.
2. It relates by telling you it does create unfriendly skies when your exposed to radiation.
3. 19200 hours
4. 2.5 millirens per day.
5. 28.44 per trip
6. Shorter flights
7. 23
8. 22
9. Yes, because it is an additional 3 million people that receive cancer.
10. Higher radiation rates during a solar storm can occur. So that would be something to lead to solar weather forcasting.
11. Dear Federal Aviation Administration or the Department of Tranportation,
I feel it is important to educate people on solar radiation because of the damaging things that can happen to you. a solar storm can produce enough radiation to equal a significant fraction of a chest X-ray's dosage even at typical passenger altitudes of 35,000 feet. The situation is even worse for airline pilots and flight attendants who spend over 900 hours in the air every year. By those facts alone we are at such a risk of cancer and exposure to radiation. For everybody's own personal safety, I feel we must educate everyone on this issue.


Friday, April 24, 2009


A comet is a small, icy celestial body that orbits around the sun. It is made up of a nucleus, a gaseous coma and a long tail. The tail develops when the comet is near the Sun. Its long ion tail of always points away from the sun, because of the force of the solar wind. The tail can be up to 250 million km long, and is most of what we see. Comets are only visible when they're near the sun in their highly eccentric orbits.There are five parts to a comet1. Nucleus: The nucleus is the frozen center of a comet's head. It is composed of ice, gas, and dust. The nucleus contains most of the comet's mass but is very small2. Coma: The coma is the roughly spherical blob of gas that surrounds the nucleus of a comet; it is about a million km across. The coma is comprised of water vapor, carbon dioxide gas, ammonia, dust, and neutral gases that have sublimed from the solid nucleus. The coma and the nucleus form the head of a comet.3. Ion Tail: A tail of charged gases always faces away from the sun because the solar wind pushes it away. When the comet is approaching the Sun, the ion tail trails the comet: when the comet is leaving of the Sun, the ion tail leads. The tail fades as the comet moves far from the Sun. The ion tail can be well over 100 million km long.4. Dust Tail: The dust tail is a long, wide tailcomposed of microscopic dust particles that are buffeted by photons emitted from the Sun; this tail curves slightly due to the comet's motion. The tail fades as the comet moves far from the Sun.5. Hydrogen Envelope: Hydrogen gas surrounds the coma of the comet and trails along for millions of miles. The hydrogen envelope is about 10 million km across at the nucleus of the comet and about 100 million km long. It is bigger when the comet is near the Sun.Comets orbit the Sun in highly elliptical orbits. Their velocity increases greatly when they are near the Sun and slows down at the far reaches of the orbit. Some comets crash into the Sun or get so close that they burn up; these comets are called sungrazers. The solar wind pushes the tail away from the Sun.

Monday, April 13, 2009


A) A region on the suns surface that is marked by intense magnetic activity.

B) The Climate makes them change.

C) Shows the latitude of sunspot occurence versus time (in years)

D) The number of sunspots reaches minimum of about every 11 years.

E) When there are significant sunspots it makes the Earth Colder

F) Is expected bewtween 2011 and 2012

G) Sunspots are observed with land-based solar telescopes as well as ones on Earth-orbiting satellites. These telescopes use filtration and projection techniques for direct observation, in additional to filtered cameras of various types. Specialized tools such as spectroscopes and spectrohelioscopes are used to examine sunspots and areas of sunspots

H) Dearborn Telescope

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Science or Pseudoscience

1. Mayan Calendar ends on Dec. 21, 2012
2. Magnetic North is shifting.
3. This maybe a part of a normal oscillation of the poles.

1. The northern lights will be lost
2. The Mayan Religion
3. Lord Krishna disincarnated on this date

Monday, April 6, 2009

10 Events

1. Earth to Pluto
2. Earth to moon
3. Earth to Mars
4. Earth to Neptune
5. Earth to Saturn
6. Earth to Uranus
7. Earth to Venus
8. Earth to Mercury
9. Earth to the Milky Way
10. Earth to Little dipper


1. 8th planet from the sun.
2. 4th largest by diameter.
3. Neptune has been visited by one spacecraft, Voyeger 2 in 1989.
4. Neptune's winds are the fastest i9n the solar system.
5. Neptune has 13 kinown moons.